La scelta del professionista è sempre un momento cruciale per ogni cliente che debba affrontare una questione legale.
La scelta di un professionista competente spesso è un problema in più.
Lo Studio basa il proprio operato quotidiano su una serie di valori fondanti.
Al primo posto si colloca senza dubbio il valore della competenza, che oggi, dopo la pandemia, più che mai risulta necessaria, perché non c’è più spazio per improvvisazione e pressapochismo.
For Mannocci & Susini – Avvocati Associati a fundamental value is competence, which is one and the same with study, experience and keeping up-to-date on a daily basis, all factors guaranteeing the protection of the client. This is a concept recalled by our logo, a stylised sword that is the typical symbol of protection.
Competence accompanied by fairness and transparency: an ethical approach that has always rewarded us in terms of consideration and appreciation from our clients.
Our partnerships
Mannocci & Susini – Avvocati Associati over the years has pursued the fundamental values of seriousness, competence and professionalism and has established prestigious partnerships, both in Italy and abroad. We share the same values, building a wide-ranging and consolidated network of stable relationships.
We operate mainly in Italy, but, within today’s globalized economic and social context, thanks to a solid and carefully selected network of foreign correspondents, we accompany and assist our clients in various international contexts. These include Europe, the Middle East, North America and especially Canada, a country in which the firm has established close relationships, also due to the large Italian community and the constant growth of bilateral commercial relations.
Avv. Mannocci and Susini offers clients not only our specialised legal services, but for other areas we assist clients in choosing the most suitable professional figure, on the basis of specialisation and service quality, ensuring the best consultancy service possible.